Healing Presence Counseling:  

Integrating Faith and Psychotherapy

in Baltimore and virtually across Maryland

A safe place to release the past and find peace

Have you ever wondered why you can’t let it go?

You’re out at the grocery store, walking the dog, or exercising, and suddenly your senses are on high alert for danger.  You are praying or reading, and an image or feeling from the past overshadows everything.  You are with friends or a new romantic partner and you wonder “will they manipulate me too?”  There it is again.  It eats away at you.

And what does it cost you?   Does it seem like you constantly wrestle with feelings of resentment, confusion and guilt?  Does your body ever feel like “it’s still happening?”  When you see someone or something that reminds you of the past, do you instantly become fearful,  furious, nauseated, or even disoriented?  Perhaps you’ve had to avoid certain places, people, sounds or smells because they remind you too much of what happened.  You might find it difficult to trust another person or even to trust God.  

Where did all this start?  


  • Someone harmed you in your childhood–through abandonment or abuse

  • You had a relationship with someone who made you question your sanity –Someone who drank too much, lied, or manipulated   

  • You witnessed something that terrified you–an accident, a natural disaster, a war 

  • You don’t know where all of this started.  You may have never told another person what happened or how much it still bothers you. 

As a person of faith, you might be told to “pray and get over it”.   You might be thinking “I should forgive this person, but I don’t know how.”  You might believe that “It should not bother me so much”.  It may feel like there is no one who can hear your story and comprehend the depths of your struggle.  If this feels true for you, then I want you to know that there is hope.  Things can change for you.  

I’m so glad you’re here.

We can explore all of this together.  We are complex and wonderfully-made beings.  Past wounds and hurtful relationships can negatively affect many areas of our lives: our self-concepts, underlying thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, choices, and even our ability to believe what our faith teaches us.  It is not a sign of weakness to struggle with past wounding; It is a sign of being human–and it’s OK to be human. 

Treating the whole person is a cornerstone to my approach.  It’s the reason my practice integrates so many different avenues of healing:  including mindfulness practices, talk therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and body-based techniques. I tailor the treatment to your unique needs. 

I offer a non-judgmental, safe and calm environment for healing, moving at your pace.  You will have the freedom to explore how your faith interplays with your struggle and healing. 

Trauma-Informed Counseling

Experience unburdening from the past, healing for the whole person and peace.

Healing from Past Relationships

Gain clarity , forgive self and others, and learn healthier ways to connect and love.


Tap into the brain’s superpower with this proven method of healing the past. 

If you feel ready to embark on this healing journey: 

  • Contact me for a free 15 minute Consultation.  I’ll answer any questions about my approach and therapy.  


  • Set up your first appointment : Our first meeting can be in person or online. At your own pace, I will be available to listen and start to understand your journey so far. 

  • Start the journey of healing  :  there are so many good things to look forward to. You will learn new ways of coping and releasing what you no longer need to hold on to.  

You can let it go—all of it.